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PASUC NCR Zonal Center Accredits 5 Candidates For Full Professorships

The PASUC NCR Zonal Center at TUP endorsed five faculty candidates from different SUCs for the regional accreditation of full professors held last September 25, 2017, at the Office of the President, Rizal Technological University (RTU), Mandaluyong City.

The accreditation committee is chaired by RTU President Dr. Jesus Rodrigo F. Torres. The members include Dr. Adora S. PIli, TUP President; Dr. Catherine Q. Castañeda, VP Academic Affairs, Adamson University and former CHED Regional Director; Mr. Danilo B. Carnay, Private Sector Regent, RTU Board of Regents; and Dir. Jose B. Patalinhug III, Regional Director, DOST-NCR.

As part of the accreditation process, the candidates presented their professional qualifications, achievements, and their contributions in their area of discipline and in the advancement of their respective institutions. The accreditation started at 10:00 in the morning and finished past 3:00 in the afternoon.

The NCR Zonal Center ensured that all the candidates have at least one publication as a major author in ISI, Scopus, or CHED recognized journals which are a primary requirement to undergo the full professor accreditation as per PASUC’s Memorandum on “Enhanced Guidelines for Accreditation of Full Professors” dated May 14, 2014.

The NCR Zonal Center officials who are present during the accreditation are Dr. Adora S. Pili as Zonal President, Engr. Felipe Ronald M. Argamosa, Zonal Director; and Dr. Melbern Rose C. Maltezo, Zonal Reviewer. Present as well are NBC focal persons or members of RQCE Technical Working Group as observers which include: Prof. Rudy Acosta (RTU), Prof. Ben Andres (PUP), Prof. Renato Butch R. Bituonan (TUP), Dr. IreneoCireo (MPC), and Ms. Lynne Delamente (EARIST).